―― The Respectful Interview of Joshua Ogg, featuring their Tokyo photo story “Isolation” by Leslie Kee with his life partner.
Leslie Kee and Joshua Ogg were engaged in Ohio, America on 10 May 2019. From being an English teacher in Japan, Joshua has also challenged himself as a fashion model. In just one year, he has appeared and featured in various fashion magazines, working with many famous artists, guest appearing on TV shows etc. The world now gets to see the wonderful life journey of this heaven matched lovely couple through their inspiring instagrams. In this special interview, we get to understand who is this man – Joshua Ogg, who has changed and continue to beautify the life of photographer Leslie Kee.
Today 16 May 2020, Joshua Ogg turns 32. He shares with us what he thinks of the current Japan, and the Love and new Future he has hoped and believed.
――Life is Beautiful
――Life is Beautiful
Joshua Vincent Ogg – living a life with the truth and no lies. His supports and hopes for the LGBT community are genuine and sincere. In this spring of 2020, Joshua and Leslie are presenting to the world their original fashion story “Isolation” to embrace beloved Tokyo.
上部写真/Yoyogi Park – ISSEY MIYAKE MEN
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Shibuya Scramble Square – SACAI
I think I realized I was gay at a very young age. My grandfather had Playboy and National Geographic magazine subscriptions. I preferred the National Geographic. National Geographic introduced men and women from other parts of the world. I was so intrigued by the differences. There were men in suits and men in loin clothes, if I was lucky there would be an edition where the men weren’t wearing any clothes—Score! I found myself looking at the National Geographic not only for the good looking and cute guys that were sometimes in them, but in the interesting scientific, social, political and cultural content. It was rewarding. This of course was before the invention of the internet.

Coming out early in my life has been a huge blessing. Thinking back, I am thankful I was born during a time when it was easier, in a country where the gay culture was alive. I was able to live my life as I chose. Thankful to be born in a country where I wouldn’t be put to death because of my lifestyle choices. It was not the easiest choice to make especially with hearing about the death of Matthew Shepard very early in my childhood. He was beaten and brutally murdered, left to die in the middle of nowhere for being gay. So naturally I was scared to come out, to be gay could mean death or so I thought. I worried my family would disown me–not love me. I was worried my grandparents would never talk to me again.

Aoyama Cemetery – TAE ASHIDA
That kind of thinking was so far from the truth. My family accepted me and respected my decision regardless of their views on being gay. My grandpa would say things like, “I love you and respect your choices but I just don’t get it you know.” Always said with a smile at the end of each statement. He and I’s relationship was very strong. One of his last statements to me before he passed away was, “I love you but what you’re doing is illegal.” He knew that being gay in some countries is illegal to this day in 2020. That was his way of telling me he was worried about me. He knew I would need to stay smart about who I was and when and where when appropriate. I think it was his way to challenge me to continue to fight for the rights of LGBT community.

Tamagawa River – TATRAS
The support I received from family and friends was tremendous in many ways. Suicide in the LGBT community is real. You can feel alone, scared, some even are threatened by others. I remember when I came out in high school there were people that were mean to me. I felt scared to walk down the hallway by myself some days. People would say mean things. I remember this one guy walked by me and he had made some sort of shank like apparatus. He walked by me and scratched my right arm with it while calling me name or saying something just awful. I was walking by myself that day. If I could, I would walk with friends between classes because I just never knew if there was going to be someone that would attack me verbally or physically. I eventually met some really good friends and we stuck together, and we looked after one another. People can be mean, but they can also be genuine and kind. Try to find the latter.
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Having lived in Japan for a year, I have had some time to witness Japanese culture. For such an advanced country, it’s a shame and sad to see how women and the LGBT community are not very well treated or respected. Till these days, women in Japan still have to fight for their dress codes and other things in most working environment. It should be respectfully their own choices but not their bosses. Being a non-native here, I always see things through my own point of view without any discriminations. As a gay man living in Japan with my fiancé, I have understand that same-sex marriage is still not equally protected under the law officially. Taiwan has already legalized same-sex marriage in May 2019. In Japan, the Certificate of Partnership might be a good start but yet it is still not very officially recognized in worldwide. Japan needs to speed up this necessary change for equality and diversity.

Tamagawa River – KIDILL
ゲイである自分に結婚という当たり前の幸せを与えてくれない。外国人である自分たちに平等な権利を与えてもらえない。それを解決する術はどこにあるの?サポートしてくれる仕組みは?法律は?なんで対応できないの? 僕の疑問は日本を愛しここに住むと決めたのに、なぜそれを無視するのかということ。何で人々の声に耳を傾けて愛してくれないんだろうって。
日本に住む多くのLGBTの仲間たちの生きづらい状況がなにより聞いていて悲しくなります。その多くが、家族にカミングアウトしていなかったり、解雇されるのを心配して職場では素性を明かさないと聞いて驚きました。そんな人生ってある? なんで仕事場でも家でも本当の自分になれないの?
How much more time do we need to wait to change the old laws on the books that do not fit in our modern society anymore ? Will they protect non-natives and LGBT community ? Will they support us ? Why not ? I look at these matters seriously because we have chosen to live in Japan, so we have no reason to ignore that. We pay taxes just like all residents. We care about this country, love and respect it from our heart. Humanity and Equality is important for our human race and future generation. The question is : Why don’t you care and love us the same ?

Aoyama Cemetery – SACAI
I have met and spoken with many other family members (gay people) and it always amazes me when they tell me they are not out to their family or are worried about being fired from their jobs. What the hell kind of life is that? Why can’t you be yourself at work and at home? Why can’t you be you? In a way, people are being treated like they are criminals or something. Like it’s illegal to be gay. Don’t be gay because otherwise you’ll lose your job. You will lose opportunity. Nope not going to rent this apartment to you. Why are there no protections in place to stop these discriminatory acts from happening? There are so many intricacies found between all the lines that really are quite disgraceful and disheartening. Fear of not being able to be your true self all the time, that’s no way to live. It isn’t living at all. Its surviving. And I personally think it’s the wrong way. People should be themselves. The way it is now is asking people to lie. My mother never approved of lying, I won’t be starting now.

Tamagawa River – YOHJI YAMAMOTO
I think the family here in Tokyo I have met are nice and so cute. I am genuinely interested in getting to know more family. But the current health crisis is making it a bit more difficult to do so. I wish to see more inclusion with family events and hope to see proud gay parents. I think many more businesses and clubs could cater to the gays in better ways. We don’t’ always have to associate gay culture with bars and nightclubs. I wish there were more things like pride events or places to go hang out during the day. Gay resorts, gay day at amusement parks, gay sports. Not just during one month during gay pride… I think these kinds of things should be every month. Open all year round. I’m not just gay in April you know.
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Tamagawa River – KOLOR
I like Leslie because he is truthful and honest. He makes me laugh all the time. He looks good naked. Umm. Sorry I got distracted by the thought. I think he has a good and powerful soul. He helps me with the dishes and laundry. He cooks. We enjoy watching movies together. We can cuddle on the couch all day and all night. Even during these trying times, I think I only told him that he was annoying/getting on my nerves once or twice. He is very genuine and cares deeply for me and my family. I find that to be an extremely attractive quality. That to me speaks volumes and shows future possibilities.

Futago Tamagawa Park – ISSEY MIYAKE MEN
I would like to see a future without stigma surrounding the gays. I would like to see laws that help and protect us. I would like to see marriage become not so difficult or fought against. Saying that it’s only reserved for man and woman. I would like to know if we as a culture can produce these wanted and needed results. I would like to see politicians actually caring about their constituents. I would like to see a caring way of life. People caring for one another. People not afraid to be themselves. I would like to see governments proud to support and not shying away from their responsibilities. Basically, I just want people to be happy and legally protected. I would like to see marriage as a unity between whomever wants it. But there needs to be protections and security guaranteed.
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■ プロフィール
ジョシュア・ビンセント・オグ/JOSHUA VINCENT OGG
■ Joshua&Leslie@Joshualeslieoggkee
■ Joshua Vincent Ogg@joshuavincentogg
ヘア&メイクアップ/KOKI NOGUCHI
英語翻訳/田中幹也 KANYA NATAKA